Cradle to grave service for Newland Homes results in deal value of £30m

We’re a significant player in the non-plc housebuilder market and our impact within that sector is both local and national.

We pride ourself on our consistency, strong client relationships and exceptional client service, attributes which result in long-term relationships withdevelopers and housebuilders.

Partner, Colin Stratton of our Bristol office has been acting for  Newland Homes for 20 years. He leads the SW property Group.

In the past year (as in previous years) Colin’s team has

  • acted in a  “business advisory role”, providing advice at an early stage on heads of terms and deal structures to ensure Newland achieve their commercial goals
  • provided proactive commercial advice to the resolution of sites that require the rectification of title defects or have other ransom or access / service challenges
  • undertaken conditional and unconditional acquisitions and disposals (including commercial pre-lets) and sub-sales for Newland Homes
  • advised Newland Homes on Promotion Agreements and Consortium Agreements
  • provided specialist advice on deals subject to complex overage/claw-back arrangements, pre-emption agreements
  • assisted in registering Newland Homes on the Help to Buy scheme
  • provided specialist non-contentious and contentious planning advice including advice on s106 Agreements, CIL liabilities and strategic planning advice
  • advised on infrastructure agreements environmental liabilities
  • once planning was secured we also provided a full and efficient plot sales service

Outcome: Thrings has helped Newland Homes achieve acquisitions with a total deal value in excess of £30m between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013. This has had a significant social impact in the South West, bringing new jobs, new houses and new communities.

Client feedback:

“In terms of controlling costs on the litigation and contentious side, they seemed to acknowledge the extent of the business we were putting their way, and they reflected that in what seemed like a sensible discount proposal.  We appreciated that.

 “Thrings have provided us with what we sought from them, and they have done this in an efficient and effective way. We have a long-term relationship with them, and that relationship is with individuals within the firm whom we know and trust. We are very satisfied with them.

David Foreman, Newland Homes

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